Volunteer GDPR and Confidentiality Agreement


    According to our GDPR obligations Phoenix Rehoming will ensure that all personal data that we hold will be:

    • Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
    • Collected and processed for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
    • Adequate, relevant and kept up to date
    • Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary
    • Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage

    As a volunteer of the charity you may have access to the following data in your role:

    • Name and address of applicants
    • Applicant’s telephone number/s
    • Applicant’s email address
    • Screen shots of applicant’s ID documents / Utility bill
    • Photographs

    You may also have access to:

    • Sensitive personal information shared with you voluntarily by an applicant (e.g. health information, sexual orientation, race, religion)

    Your responsibilities:

    When processing applicant’s data you must ensure that you collect, store and share the information only as directed by a Trustee/Member of the Phoenix Admin team.

    You may come into contact with personal data through meetings (virtual or in person) and/or in digital formats, so it is worth remembering that this agreement to handle data confidentially extends to all of your dealings in your voluntary role for Phoenix Rehoming.

    You must keep all applicant’s data confidential at all times.

    As soon as you have completed a home check/other task to which gathering information relates and have provided this information to the admin team

    You must:

    • Delete all documents identifying the individual from your phone/laptop/other device (including storage cloud, if applicable)

    Data Breaches:

    If you ever become aware of a data breach or a risk of a data breach you must notify the trustees immediately by emailing:
    phoenixrehoming@outlook.com or calling: 07400 659 273 / 07496 798 555

    The charity will take immediate steps to mitigate any risks to personal data, which may include temporarily removing your access to charity social media groups/messages/emails until your account is secure.

    A breach may include but is not limited to:

    • Unauthorised or potential unauthorised access to your Facebook account e.g. by hacking resulting in access to your account/unauthorised log in.
    • Unauthorised or potential unauthorised access to a device on which you currently store applicant’s data/information e.g. by loss or theft of a device on which you access relevant data.
    • Mistakenly forwarding information about an applicant to someone outside of the charity.


    As a Phoenix Rehoming volunteer I will not discuss confidential information which I gain access to through delivering my role, send it by any means to any third party unless I am explicitly authorised to do so by one of the charity trustees, or share it in general conversation or use it for my own purposes whilst in my role, or once my role has ended.

    I have read and I agree to comply with the above agreement and the obligations stated in this document: